Imagine this scenario: You have a brand new Anaplan ecosystem as part of your organization. When you come in the morning to log into your Anaplan App or Model, you are met with a loading screen. This loading screen often takes 10 minutes plus.  

Solution: Create a wake up script! With the power of Anaplan Connect, you can automate your model to “wake up” before you arrive to login for the day. This can save you time every morning you spend waiting for your large model to open.  

Here's how: Creating a wake up script is a simple process!

  1. In your Anaplan model, create a process under the Actions menu
  2. Rename the process to “Wake Up Model”
  3. Do not add any actions to the process- this will be a blank “dummy” process

It should look something like this:

No alt text provided for this image

Your Anaplan model is now ready to leverage Anaplan Connect!

Next you should:

  1. Download Anaplan Connect onto your local machine or server environment
  2. Create your Wake Up Model script
  3. Save your script in your Anaplan Connect folder

Example Script:


set AnaplanUser=

set WorkspaceId="YourWorkspaceID"

set ModelId="YourModelID"

set ServiceUrl=""

set AuthUrl=""

set ProcessName="Wake Up Model"

set Chunksize=1 

set Operation= -debug -service %ServiceUrl% -auth %AuthUrl% -process %ProcessName% -execute

set Credentials= -User %AnaplanUser% 

rem *** End of settings - Do not edit below this line *** 

setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion || exit /b 1

cd %~dp0        

set Command=.\AnaplanClient.bat %Credentials% -workspace %WorkspaceId% -model %ModelId% %Operation%

@echo %Command%

cmd /c %Command%



Your end result should look something like this when you run the script:

No alt text provided for this image

Use Cases:

-Any large Anaplan model that takes long to open or load the first time during the day

-Help your data integrations load faster by opening the model and getting it ready to receive data

Things to consider:

-If your model is taking a long time due to performance or long nested formulas/calculations, consider addressing those first

-Think of it like starting your car in the cold, it usually is a good idea to warm up your car before you go out and drive it

-If your car takes too long to warm up, there may be another underlying issue that needs to be looked at by a mechanic